Wednesday 28 April 2010

random review - bloc party:silent alarm

This is my favourite album, and band ever. So this maybe a slightly biased review. This album is just amazing from start to finish, an incredible first song and this carries on to the very last, (which i will warn is a little drawn out) but never the less, amazing. It just always puts me in a good mood, no matter where i am or am at. Its just pure genius, I can't really pick a few good songs, because they are all amazing. But I'll have a bash:

2. Helicopter
4. Banquet
8. The Pioneers
10. So Here We Are

Monday 26 April 2010


Random doodle I did in Photoshop a while back, kinda like it, the newspaper is from when Pearl Harbor happened so thought I would put a big red circle over it as it was involving the Japanese.

don't believe the hype

Something I did when playing about in Illustrator, which led to me coming up with this theme for my blog. Hope you like it.

old college fmp: powder

Some of my old college work which i did for my FMP I quite like so thought I'd share it.


Just some random 3D triangles i did in class when I should have been doing an InDesign masterclass. Nevermind :)